For Residential Land Owners
The covenants are in place to ensure the exclusive nature of the development and to encourage social cohesion and well-being of all residents.
1. In order to retain and maintain the exclusive and private nature of the Development Area of which the Lot hereby conveyed forms part, the Purchaser(s) hereby covenant with the Company that the Purchaser and the persons deriving title under it will pay to the Company a maintenance charge in respect of the Lot hereby conveyed at the rate of two hundred and seventy-five Eastern Caribbean Currency (275 XCD) per annum, payable annually in advance. The said rate is to be subject to revision every three years, having consideration of the economic factors that prevail.
2. The Lot shall be used exclusively for the purpose of the erection of one private dwelling house such dwelling house to be constructed in accordance with plans first submitted to and approved in writing by the Company and the construction of the same must conform strictly with the plans approved by the Company.
3. The Purchaser shall not construct the said dwelling house except within the building line specified for the Lot by the Company and not within twenty feet of any boundaries unless approval in writing is obtained from the Company.
4. The said dwelling house shall be of one storey or split-level only unless otherwise first approved in writing by the Company and the Purchaser shall not use the same for the erection of any apartment building or commercial building.
5. The house design will maintain a low profile and follow the slope of the ground specifically a slab suspended on columns will not be permitted.
6. Roof material will not be corrugated iron or aluminum unless approval is obtained by the Company.
7. The Purchaser shall obtain all consents and permissions required by law for the construction of the said dwelling house and all alterations and additions thereto and shall at the request of the Company produce such consents and permissions to the Company.
8. No addition to or change or alteration shall be made to any building until the plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Company.
9. The Purchaser shall during the course of any construction be liable for damage to any of the roads, services, verges or plants caused either by themselves, servants, agents or independent contractors, their servants and agents engaged in the aforesaid construction and the cost of such damage is to be paid to the Company.
10. The Company shall carry out the layout work of the said Development Scheme providing to each Lot throughout the Development Area paved roads water supply and electricity according to the plan submitted to the Planning and Housing and other relevant authorities in Saint George Grenada and also in accordance with any modification to same if necessary.
11. The said Lot of land shall not be subdivided by way of sale or otherwise.
12. The construction of boundary walls, formal hedges and fences are not permitted unless and until the prior written approval of the Company is first had and obtained.
13. The Purchaser shall bear the cost of the installation and connection of the water supply line by means of a half-inch pipe to be laid underground and the cost of the water meter and the installation thereof and the Purchaser shall pay to the proper authority the monthly charges for the water supply.
14. The Purchaser shall construct at his own expense on the Lot hereby conveyed a septic tank to the specifications and at the location within the said Lot as specified by the Company and shall dispose of grey water by means of an underground soakaway on the said Lot and not into any public drains.
15. The Purchaser shall not discharge or permit to be discharged from the Lot hereby conveyed any soil dirty or waste water directly onto the earth or into the sea.
16. All laundry lines, refuse bins, receptacles or areas used for refuse disposal, gas tanks, water heaters, etc shall be screened from the view of neighbours.
17. The Purchaser shall arrange personally with the Electricity and the Telephone Companies (by whom the necessary installation of electricity and telephone will be carried out) for his private installation the cost of which and the rates and requirements established by the said Companies for the supply of electricity and telephone shall be paid by the Purchaser.
18. Emergency water tanks to be constructed on the Lot shall be a minimum capacity of one thousand gallons and such water tanks shall be laid underground unless a previous written agreement is given by the Company.
19. The Purchaser is obliged to respect the Development Plan for building on the said Lot with regard to their neighbours.
20. The Purchaser shall maintain and upkeep the trees planted in the streets and sidewalks in front of the Lot hereby conveyed as well as the grass verge.
21. The Purchaser shall at all times keep the said Lot (whether it is constructed on or not) clean neat and tidy in appearance and the Company reserves the right in cases of negligence by the Purchaser in this respect to keep the said Lot clean neat and tidy in appearance and the Purchaser shall repay the Company the full cost of doing so on demand.
22. The Purchaser shall not at any time build or install in his private home on the said Lot any commercial or industrial establishment or carry on therein any business of a commercial nature. Renting the whole or part of the Purchaser’s single dwelling property for use as a dwelling does not amount to a business of a commercial nature.
23. The Purchaser shall not place or permit to be placed any advertising sign, placard or hoarding of any kind or any advertisement whatsoever on the said Lot without the consent of the Company
24. The Purchaser shall permit the passage of electric wires water and telephone lines throughout the Lot hereby conveyed laid so as not to prejudice any construction made by the Purchaser without being indemnified for the same and shall permit the checking of the same for repairs and overhaul.
25. Possession of the said Lot shall be delivered to the Purchaser in its present state and condition without any obligation on the part of the Vendor at any time to carry out any works thereon such as leveling embankments construction of retaining walls beaches or any preparation work.
26. The Purchaser shall not have on the said Lot any livestock animals or machinery or any apparatus which may cause smoke dust or bad odour which may be a nuisance to his neighbours or give an unsightly appearance to the area within which the said Lot is situated such as the construction of wooden shacks or any building not approved by the Company.
27. Subject to all necessary Government approvals and permissions and the prior written authority of the Company the Purchasers may be permitted to construct a boat pier or piers for their private use where the Lot is fronted by the sea.
28. Hope City has been designated a nature reserve and the Purchaser undertakes to preserve the flora and fauna including marine life and in no circumstances to cause pollution of land beaches waterways and the surrounding sea.
29. Hope City is being developed as an exclusive residential area for the benefit of purchasers who in good faith intend ultimately to establish residence thereon. Accordingly, the Purchaser agrees not to offer this land for resale to anyone for a period of three years commencing from the date hereof save and except under such unforeseen circumstances as may be approved by the Company.